Wednesday, November 23, 2011

On Friendship, Thanksgiving, and Knitting

How do you start the first blog post on your blog? I don't know. Like this, I guess. It's the day before Thanksgiving, and I'm back at home with my family. I've spent the time sitting on my couch bonding with my chihuahuas, Yoda and Leonidas, and knitting my hands and wrists into carpal tunnel-related submission.
This is Leonidas. Isn't he cute?
My father just left for the deer woods with my brother, leaving the women here at the house. My mom and I are headed to my grandmother's house later on to make some fudge and other Thanksgiving-related goodies. I'm terrible at cooking, so we'll see how that goes. I'm hoping to gain some culinary insights I can use when I finally get married. I'm scared now that when I finally get out on my own that I'll be doomed to forever eating what I eat now: microwaveable convenience meals, Chef Boyardee, and single serving snack packs with the occasional apple when I can afford it.

Last night, I was confronted with a rather awkward problem related to friendship. My freshman and sophomore years of college, I had a friend who wasn't a very good friend at all. She continually cut me down and told lies about my boyfriend and I to anyone who would listen. The second half of my sophomore year, I made a conscious decision to cut her out of my life for my own sanity and happiness. We never had a final argument. I just avoided her, and she avoided me. Our mutual friends have made an effort to stay in my life, and I've never been happier than I am without her in my life. Recently, she's been having problems with losing her friends, presumably because she treats them like she used to treat me. Last night, she started tweeting at me. I wasn't sure whether to reply a short, polite reply or continue my policy of ignoring her. I texted a friend and she said that she would ignore it since several other people had said nice things, and I wasn't obligated to respond to each one personally. Am I overreacting to this? I feel like she's trying to weasel her way back into my life. She's done that several times with other friends she's had falling outs with. She works her way back into their life and then starts treating them poorly again. I'm happier without her in my life. Does that make me terrible? Or am I allowed to put my happiness ahead of her wanting me back in her life?

 It's actually fire truck red.
I'm almost done with my long red scarf that I've been working on for a few weeks! It's about 4 feet long now. I would like for it to be at least 5 feet long before I call it quits. It's been a journey with it! It's 32 stitches wide, done in a 4 x 4 knit/purl rib. It's 3.25 inches wide, but it stretches to at least twice that wide. I plan on adding a little fringe on the ends when I'm done, but I need to finish it first! I just need to keep on trucking. After this scarf, I want to make a little hat/scarf set for my friend for her birthday/Christmas. I know I'm gonna get the scarf done, but maybe not the hat. I need to make a pot holder for my aunt, also. I'm gonna be a busy little knitter! I want to start an etsy shop, but I can't do that until I actually have time to make things to sell! Busy busy busy.